- Written by johnkremer
- On Jan 13 2013,
- In Business, Internet Marketing
Social Media Infographics Index
Welcome to the Infographic a Day Social Media Infographics Index. You can scan the infographic links via the page below, or you can view the infographics in each category by clicking on the topics at the top of this page. – John Kremer, Curator
Social Media Infographics
Age Distribution on Social Networks and Online Communities
The Best and Worst Times to Post on Major Social Networks – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest
Cheat Sheet: Social Media Cover Photos
Dance on Demand: A Look at the Social Music Revolution
Dr. Seuss: 10 Unexpected Social Media Tips
11 Examples of Epic Content Marketing
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn Drive Revenue
The Game of Thrones and Social Media Blockades
GIF Infographic: Every Second on the Web
Google Reader Is Dead, Long Live the Alternatives
The Growing Impact of Social Media and TV
Hashtags: A Tool for Discovery (A Hashtag Infographic)
How Important Is Social Media to Business?
How Much Time Does Business Spend on Social Media?
HubSpot: 15 Brand-Spanking New Social Media Marketing Stats
If You Have Time to Socialize, You Can Make Time to Work Out!
A Look Back: Social Video Sharing in 2011
120 Promotional Tips for Your Blog (new or old)
Online Services: Most Used, Most Trusted, and Most Sharable
Pardot’s 5 Favorite Social Media Blogs
The Path to Social Media Success in 2013
Richard Branson: On Using Social Media
Rock Social Media in 30 Minutes a Day
The ROI of Social Media Marketing
6 Keys to Standing Out in Social Media
16 Reasons Why Brands, Businesses, and You Need to Be Active in Social Media
Social Demographics: Who’s Using Today’s Biggest Social Networks?
Social Media Cheat Sheet for the Top Nine Social Networks for Business – Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, Instagram, Tumblr, FourSquare
Social Media Checklist: Daily Reminder
Social Media Explained (with Coffee)
Social Media Infographic: How to Create Perfect Social Media Posts
Social Media Leads to Social Giving
Social Network Use in the United States
Social Sharing for Partisan Websites
10 Essential Social Media Tips for a Senior Executive
The Ten Types of Social Media Addicts – Are You One of Them?
The 3 S’s of Social Media Maintenance
Tools and Resources: Create Images for Social Media
12 Social Media Blogs You Must Read
21 Rules for Getting Results with Your Social Media Marketing
27 Social Media Facts and Statistics for 2012
Using Graphic Images in Your Email
Facebook Infographics
Andrea Vahl on Facebook Pages vs. Facebook Groups
Book Marketing Tips on Facebook
Facebook Cover Photos: Inspiration for Your Facebook Pages
Facebook Hits 1 Billion Members
Facebook Psychology: Is Addiction Affecting Our Minds?
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn Drive Revenue
Facts and Figures on Facebook Marketing
How Facebook Questions Impact Comments, Shares and Likes
A Look Back: Facebook vs. Google
9 Ways to Spark More Engagement With Your Facebook Posts
Online Services: Most Used, Most Trusted, and Most Sharable
17 Facebook Tips: Everything You Wanted to Know about Facebook Marketing
Sherlock Holmes: Elementary John Kremer on Facebook
6 Ways to Get More Facebook Likes
16 Reasons Why Brands, Businesses, and You Should Be Active on Facebook
Text-Only Posts Now Outperform Photo Posts for Facebook Pages
12 Marketing Stats about Facebook for Business
Wall Street Journal: Facebook Privacy Options Guide
Why People Like Brands on Facebook
Google Plus Infographics
Google Reader Is Dead, Long Live the Alternatives
20 Reasons to Switch to Google Plus
27 Social Media Facts and Statistics for 2012
Instagram Infographics
The Business Marketer’s Guide to Instagram
21 Examples of Businesses Using Instagram Effectively
LinkedIn Infographics
Blueprint for the Perfect LinkedIn Status Update
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn Drive Revenue
Facts and Figures about LinkedIn Marketing
Five Simple Tips to Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Business
How to Create an Effective LinkedIn Company Page
LinkedIn Hits 200 Million Users (and now has 250 million users)
LinkedIn Infographic: 5-Minute Daily LinkedIn Marketing Plan
37 Ways to Thrive on LinkedIn Cheat Sheet
Using LinkedIn to Its Fullest Potential
Pinterest Infographics
Don Crowther: How to Build Your Business with Pinterest
How Etailers and Content Marketers Can Use Pinterest to Their Advantage
How to Build the Perfect Marketing Pin for Pinterest
How to Promote Your Products on Pinterest
How to Use Pinterest for Business
How Users Interact on Pinterest
Pin Your Business on Pinterest Infographic
Pinterest Demographics, January 2012
The Purchasing Power of Pinterest
Social Media Infographic: Why Use Pinterest?
Taller Images Get More Repins on Pinterest
10 Commandments of Using Pinterest for Business
10 Strategic Ways to Optimize Your Pinterest Page
12 Tools for Pinterest Marketing
Why You Should Be Interested in Pinterest
Slideshare Infographics
Slideshare: Inspirational Quotations I
Slideshare or Infographic: Which Do You Prefer?
Slideshare: The Quiet Giant of Content Marketing
Twitter Infographics
The Complete Tale of John Kremer on Twitter
11 Reasons Why Brands, Businesses, and You Should Be Active on Twitter
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn Drive Revenue
Facts and Figures on Twitter Marketing
HubSpot: Why You Might Want to Try More Twitter Automation
The Life of the #eBooks Twitter Hashtag
A Look Back: Twitter Facts & Figures in 2011
Mashable: Tweets about Pope Benedict’s Retirement
Slideshare Infographic: How to Use Twitter
TrackMaven: How to Get More Retweets
20 Twitter Hashtags to Turn You Into a Rock Star
21-Step Cheat Sheet to Profit from Twitter
Twitter Checklist for More Tweets
Twitter Hashtags: What You Need to Know
Twitter Infographic: Twitter for Small Businesses
The Who, Why, and How of Twitter
YouTube Infographics
Antoine Dodson: Bed Intruder Viral Video
Happy Birthday YouTube: From Zero to 4 Billion Videos a Day
A Look Back at YouTube: The Most Viral Brands of 2010
A Look Back: Social Video Sharing in 2011
Online Services: Most Used, Most Trusted, and Most Sharable
Samsung Galaxy vs Apple iPhone
Viral Videographic: Charlie Bit My Finger
Viral Videographic: Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonday
Viral Videographic: David After the Dentist
Viral Videographic: Rebecca Black’s Friday Music Video
YouTube Sensations: What Are They Doing Now?
Curator: John Kremer
Book Marketing Magic: http://www.bookmarket.com/novelmarketing.htm – How to market novels, children’s books, memoirs, and more.
15,000 Eyeballs Internet Marketing Program: http://www.bookmarket.com/15000eyeballs.htm – Ten lessons on how to get thousands of impressions for you, your book, your blog, or your website.
Real Fast Book Marketing: http://www.bookmarket.com/realfastbookmarketing.htm – How to sell 100 to 200 copies of any book in two weeks or less.
Blog Tour Palooza: http://www.bookmarket.com/blog-tour-palooza.htm – How to carry out a blog tour or virtual book tour that gets millions of impressions, builds your brand, and sells thousands of books.
by johnkremer
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“When you decide that you’re ready to start dealing with radio stations directly, get Alex Carroll’s program. His top radio show database, tapes of dealing with producers, and examples of actual talk shows will help you to become a radio talk show star.” — John Kremer
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