- Written by johnkremer
- On Apr 22 2013,
- In Internet Marketing, Social Issues
Antoine Dodson: Bed Intruder Viral Video
After Antoine Dodson from Huntsville, Alabama, saved his sister from an intruder in her bed, he sang an important message both to his community and to the attacker himself.
The above viral video has had 113,897,404 views in almost three years.
And, below, is the original news show featuring Antoine Dodson (which has had almost 53 million views in less than three years):
Charity Showcase
The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides abused victims a number to call any time during the day or night. To volunteer or donate, contact http://www.thehotline.org or call 800-799-SAFE.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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