Here are links to the travographics we’ve created or discovered to highlight great travel destinations and attractions:
Jacob Tomsky: 10 Hotel Desk Lies
July 4th Infographic: Most Patriotic Cities of the United States
New Year’s Eve Celebrations in the U.S.
Pictorial: The 10 Happiest Cities in the World
7 Literary Cities That Inspired Great Writers
Travel Infographic: The 10 Happiest Cities in the World
Get a Great Travographic for Your Destination
We can create great-looking travographics for your city, state, event, museum, tourist attraction, hotel, spa, meeting space, or other travel destination. And when we do, we’ll post that travographic here on this website (with up to 1,500 visitors per day) as well as post a notice going directly to 36,000 social followers on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Of course, you also have full rights to post it to your website and social networks as well.
If you want us to create a travographic for your travel or tourist destination, email us 10 reasons to visit your destination or ten features of your attraction. Plus 5 to 10 photos of your destination. Email: johnfkremer@gmail.com.
This service is very inexpensive: just $200. And it will be completed and posted within 3 days.
Beach Rules: How to Have Fun at the Beach
Funny Signs and Blazes for the Modern Hiker
Photo Montage: The 5 Best Snowy Photos from Mashable Readers
Signs of the Times: Do You Know How to Spell?
A Step-by-Step Guide to Packing
Sunrises and Sunsets on Pinterest
TSA Packing Tips & Guidelines Infographic
You Might Be From Minnesota If …
CharityWatch is one of a number of charity watchdog organizations to ensure your donations do what you want them to do: Go to real people, not all fundraising expenses. See: http://www.charitywatch.org.
Here are two other charity watchdog organizations:
Charity Navigator: http://www.charitynavigator.org
Guide Star publishes More Money for More Good guidebook. Download at http://www.guidestar.org/ViewCmsFile.aspx?ContentID=4718
Curator: John Kremer
“When you decide that you’re ready to start dealing with radio stations directly, get Alex Carroll’s program. His top radio show database, tapes of dealing with producers, and examples of actual talk shows will help you to become a radio talk show star.” — John Kremer
Dec, 01, 2012
Oct, 29, 2013
Copyright 2021 by Open Horizons, P O Box 2887, Taos NM 87571.