- Written by johnkremer
- On Jul 04 2013,
- In Fun Facts, Social Issues, Travel
July 4th Infographic: Most Patriotic Cities of the United States
This infographic shows which cities in the United States are the most patriotic based on overall ranking, voter turnout, fireworks spending, spending on vets, and flag sales. It also features some of the most memorable U.S landmarks.
It features: Portland OR, Salt Lake City UT, Kansas City MO, Seattle WA, Tampa FL, Hartford CT, St Petersburg FL, Atlanta GA, and Madison WI as well as these landmarks: The White House, Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon, Golden Gate Bridge, Mount Rushmore, Empire State Building, Space Needle, Kennedy Space Center, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson National Expansion Arch and these patriots: Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Samuel Adams, Molly Pitcher, Thomas Jefferson, Frederick Douglass.
Source: http://www.citypass.com/blog/patriotic-cities-usa
Charity Showcase
Rainforest Alliance helps to protect the forests, wildlife, and people of the rain forests. Also works to provide education and healthcare to children of the rain forests. To learn more about small actions that can lead to big changes, go to http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/smallactions.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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