- Written by johnkremer
- On Oct 25 2012,
- In Business, Health, Inspirational, Social Issues
Charity Showcase: Great Groups to Donate to If You Can
Here are some great non-profit organizations that deserve your donations. Please send $10 or more to at least one of these organizations every month. That’s our commitment. We hope you can join in. Thanks.
Action Against Hunger helps to feed malnourished children around the world. They also help communities to grow their own food. They deliver aid to more than 7 million people in over 40 countries every year. Donate via http://www.actionagainsthunger.org.
Action for Healthy Kids partners with schools to promote healthy eating and daily exercise. For more information, webinars, and trainings, see: http://www.actionforhealthykids.org.
The mission of AdoptUSKids, a service of U.S. Children’s Bureau, is two-fold: 1. To raise public awareness about the need for foster and adoptive families for children in the public child welfare system and 2. To assist U.S. states, territories, and tribes to recruit and retain foster and adoptive families and connect them with children. For more information, go to http://www.adoptuskids.org or call 800-200-4005.
The Alzheimer’s Association raises awareness and funds for the fight to end Alzheimer’s. Honor the strength, passion, and endurance of the more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s (as well as their 15 million caregivers) by participating in The Longest Day event on June 21st. For more information, see http://www.alz.org/thelongestday or call 800-272-3900.
Alzheimer’s Disease Research, a program of the American Health Assistance Foundation, works to unlock the secrets of Alzheimer’s disease and identify potential drug therapies. To donate, contact http://www.ahaf.org/alzheimers.
The American Cancer Society works to find cures and treatments for cancer patients of all kinds. They also work to help people quit smoking, a leading cause of cancer. To donate, visit http://www.cancer.org or call 800-227-2345.
American Diabetes Association fights one of the fastest growing diseases in America. November is American Diabetes Month. Donate via http://www.diabetes.org or call 800-DIABETES (800-342-2383).
The American Heart Association works to teach people how to identify heart attacks and strokes as well as funds research and treatment for heart disease. Donate via http://www.americanheart.org, or by calling 800-242-8721.
Established in 1989, the American Indian College Fund provides scholarships for American Indians to attend college. In the past year, they distributed $5.6 million in scholarships to more than 4,000 students. To aid their cause, check out http://www.collegefund.org.
The American Indian Relief Council helps Native American people of the northern Great Plains to improve the quality of their lives by providing opportunities for them to bring about positive changes in their communities. Donate online via http://www.aircdonation.org.
American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking programs fight smoking, second-hand smoke, and related lung disease causes. For more information, see http://www.lungusa.org. Or call 800-LUNG-USA (586-4872).
American Lung Association helps millions of people by supporting important research, education, and advocacy to fight lung cancer and chronic lung diseases. To contribute to their Christmas Seals Campaign, go to http://www.lung.org or call 800-LUNG-USA.
The American Women Veterans Foundation celebrates the role of women in the armed forces. Not every GI is a Joe! You can sign up to be an event volunteer at http://www.americanwomenveterans.org.
The Archaeological Conservancy is dedicated to acquiring prehistoric and historic archaeological sites in the United States and then preserving them for posterity. Since 1980, they have acquired more than 400 sites in 41 states. To donate, go to http://www.americanarchaeology.com.
The Arthritis Foundation funds research on arthritis cures and treatments. Donate by visiting http://www.arthritis.org or by calling 800-283-7800. Your gift of $20 or more provides you with these special member benefits: Free annual drug guide. Six issues of Arthritis Today magazine. Insider e-newsletters. Access to their toll-free hotline. Access to their Arthritis Specialists Referral List. Money-saving coupons.
The Arthritis National Research Foundation funds research to find treatments and cures for the 50 million Americans suffering from some form of arthritis. To support their work, donate at http://www.curearthritis.org.
Autism Inclusion Resources works with airlines and airports to make air travel easier for autistic children and their families. Details at http://www.autismir.com.
Be the Match Foundation helps patients get the bone marrow or umbilical cord blood transplants they need to fight leukemiea, lymphoma, sickle cell anemia, and other life-threatening diseases. Donate at the National Marrow Donor Project via http://www.marrow.org.
Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch and Girlstown USA have given thousands of troubled kids from all over the country loving homes and a solid education in a interdenominational Christ-centered environment to help them get back on track and succeed in life. For more information, check out http://www.calfarley.org or call 800-687-3722.
Camp C.O.P.E. is a camp for kids of injured, deployed, or fallen service members. For details, go here: http://www.campcope.org.
The Canary Foundation is dedicated to the development of tests for early cancer detection. Less than 15% of cancer research goes to early detection efforts. Check them out here: http://www.canaryfoundation.org.
CARE raises funds to take care of the millions of children around the world who go hungry every day. Your small gift to CARE can feed dozens of children or create real solutions to global poverty. Donate via http://www.care.org/fighthunger or call 800-422-7385.
CARE Partners for Change is a monthly giving program to feed children and provide safe water for families around the world. Their motto: Defending dignity. Fighting poverty. To donate monthly, go to http://www.care.org/partners.
The Center for Advancing Health encourages good health habits and behaviors. CFAH conducts research, communicates findings, and advocates for policies that support everyone’s ability to benefit from advances in health science. CFAH is funded by The Annenberg Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. For more information, check out http://www.cfah.org.
Charity Navigator is one of a number of charity watchdog organizations to ensure your donations do what you want them to do: Go to real people, not all fundraising expenses. See: http://www.charitynavigator.org.
CharityWatch is one of a number of charity watchdog organizations to ensure your donations do what you want them to do: Go to real people, not all fundraising expenses. See: http://www.charitywatch.org.
ChildHelp USA maintains a 24-hour National Child Abuse Hotline at 800-4-A-CHILD. For more information, see http://www.childhelp.org.
Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation is dedicated to curing spinal cord injuring by funding research and improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis (through grants, information, and advocacy). For more information, check out their website at: http://www.christopherreeve.org.
City Harvest collects almost 115,000 pounds of surplus food every day from restaurants, grocers, wholesalers, and farmers to distribute to 600 community food programs in New York City. Find out more about this great program at http://www.cityharvest.org.
Concern Worldwide – 100% of donations to Your Dollar Our Future go to Haiti to repair and build schools, train teachers, and provide desks, books, chairs, and learning resources. Since 1994, Concern Worldwide has been working in Haiti to transform lives through education, healthcare, small business development, and emergency response. Web: http://www.yourdollarourfuture.org.
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation works for the development of a means to cure and control cystic fibrosis while at the same time works to improve the quality of life for those young people affected by the disease. To donate, go to http://65roses.cff.org or call 866-347-2345.
Days End Farm Horse Rescue is an animal rescue organization that rescues and rehabilitates abused and neglected farm horses. So far they have rescued 1,800 horses. For more information, check out http://www.defhr.org.
The Diabetes Research and Action Education Foundation provides grants for over 240 research studies in the U.S. aimed at curing diabetes or developing nutritional approaches for preventing the disease. For more information, go to http://www.diabetesaction.org.
Direct Relief International works with local partners to ensure that health-care providers have enough supplies and medication. Also distributes 20 million rapid HIV test kits to the developing world. Donate via http://www.directrelief.org.
DoSomething.org encourages young people to apply for a $500 grant to get a do-good dream off the ground. It also allows teens to search for existing causes that need more volunteers. Check out the website here: http://www.dosomething.org.
Down Syndrome International words to increase awareness and support for those who suffer from Down Syndrome. For more information and to donate, check out http://www.ds-int.org.
Easter Seals provides exceptional services, education, outreach, and advocacy so that people living with autism and other disabilities can live, learn, work and play in our communities. For more information, see http://www.easterseals.com.
Feed Projects creates good products that help to feed the world. Feed Projects has provided nearly 60 million school meals. For more details, go to http://www.feedprojects.com.
Feeding America is the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity supplying food to 37 million Americans every year via 200 member food banks. To donate, go to http://www.feedingamerica.org or call 800-910-5524.
The Fistula Foundation funds corrective surgery for obstetric fistula, a childbirth injury that causes incontinence. This injury affects more than 500,000 women in the developing world. For more information, see http://www.fistulafoundation.org.
FoodCorps promotes healthy eating by teaching kids to grow and cook their own food. To donate, become a recruit, or learn how a local school can become a FoodCorps site, visit http://www.foodcorps.org.
The Food Depot of Santa Fe distributes nearly 4 million pounds of food every year to feed 78,000 hungry children, seniors, and families in northern New Mexico. To help out, go to http://www.thefooddepot.org.
Gifts That Give is a shopping site that donates $1 out of every $5 you spend to a charitable cause of your choice. Shop at http://www.giftsthatgive.com.
Give Kids the World Village is a 70-acre storybook resort located near Orlando’s most beloved attractions. It’s a place where children with life-threatening illnesses and their families are treated to weeklong free fantasy vacations. Learn how to help here: http://www.gktw.org/help.
GlobalGiving Foundation connects benefactors with people who are seeking to make significant improvements in their communities or around the world. It provides an online marketplace for small groups to solicit funds for their causes. Check it out at http://www.globalgiving.org.
Good Dining: Dine at one of 10,000 participating restaurants around the country and a percentage of what you spend will go to the cause of your choice at no cost to you. Go to http://www.goodsearch.com/gooddining to sign up.
Good Search donates a penny to the charity or school of your choice every time you do a new search. To sign up for this special offer, go to http://www.goodsearch.com.
Good Shop: Shop at one of 2,800+ participating stores (from Amazon to Zazzle) and a percentage of what you spend will be donated to the cause of your choice at no cost to you. Bonus: Goodshop lists more than 100,000 coupons and deals so you could save money while doing good! Go to http://www.goodsearch.com/goodshop.aspx to sign up.
Goodwill accepts used household items and clothing which they then resell to fund job-training programs. Check the Yellow Pages for a location near you. Or donate money via http://www.goodwill.org.
Grand Canyon Trust needs your time, not your money. Volunteers spend their days on the Colorado Plateau documenting beaver and other animal activity, reseeding native grasses, and restoring deer habitat. Find out how you can volunteer at http://www.gcvolunteers.org.
The Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind has provided free guide dogs to the blind since 1946. They train guide dogs and teach their new owners how to work with the dogs. Help the visually impaired by donating to http://www.guidedog.org.
Guide Star publishes More Money for More Good guidebook. Download at http://www.guidestar.org/ViewCmsFile.aspx?ContentID=4718
Habitat for Humanity helps struggling people to get a roof over their heads in a safe neighborhood. You can help build homes or donate for the cause at http://www.habitat.org. Or call 800-HABITAT.
Heifer International supplies cows and milk to needy families around the world. Their work has expanded to providing other animals as well: goats, geese and guinea pigs to bees, silkworms and water buffalo. Their goal is to end world hunger and poverty. Web: http://www.heifer.org/give.
Helen Keller International operates in 22 countries. It’s goal is to eradicate preventable blindness and to ensure children and adults no longer suffer the debilitating effects of poor nutrition. To contribute, contact http://www.hki.org.
The Humane Society of the United States works to care for animals, especially pets, and protects them from cruelty. They are the largest animal protection agency in the U.S. On average, the Human Society improves the lives of 76,000 animals every year. To find out more and to donate, go to http://www.humanesociety.org.
Founded by actor Ian Somerhalder, the Ian Somerhalder Foundation champions animal rights and environmental conservation. Advocates on issues like shark finning, Canadian seal hunting, and cruelty to sled dogs. Web: http://www.isfoundation.com.
The I’m Too Young for This! Foundation is the only cancer charity aimed at helping people between the ages of 15 and 40. It offers retreats, scholarships, and more. Donate via http://www.stupidcancer.org/donate.
The International Rescue Committee responds within 72 hours to the world’s worst conflicts and disasters, provides emergency care and referrals for victims of sexual violence, helps refugees safely rebuild their lives via health care, education, sanitation, clean water, and more. Their New Roots nutrition program provides refugees with fresh, nutritious produce. For more information, check out http://www.rescue.org.
J.K. Livin Foundation promotes wellness with after-school programs for at-risk kids. Since 2008, it has helped 2,000 children in Los Angeles, Austin, Dallas, and New Orleans to improve their grades and lower behavior problems. For more information, go to http://www.jklivinfoundation.org.
Lakota Pine Ridge Children’s Enrichment Project provides assistance to children, families and schools on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. You can donate at http://lakotakids.blogspot.com.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society funds blood cancer research for cures. Leukemia causes about 1/3 of all cancer deaths in children under the age of 15. To donate, contact http://www.LLS.org or call 800-462-7831. For potential patients, call 800-955-4572.
Living Oceans Society is Canada’s largest marine conservation organization. Web: http://www.livingoceans.org.
Make-A-Wish Foundation helps to fulfill the wishes of seriously ill children. Join this Season of Wishes by going to http://www.wish.org/SeasonofWishes. Make-a-Wish sponsors change lives – for wish kids, for their families, and for their communities.
Malaria No More works to rid the world (and especially Africa) of the scourge of malaria. We’re helping the world get it done by engaging leaders, rallying the public, and delivering life-saving tools and education to families across Africa. Donate via http://www.malarianomore.org.
The Melanoma Research Alliance teaches people how to lessen the risk of melanoma. It takes only 15 minutes for the sun’s UV rays to damage your skin. Every eight minutes someone is diagnosed with melanoma. Caught early, the five-year survival rate for melanoma is 92%. Find out more at http://www.curemelanoma.org/protectyourskin.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center works to improve treatments and therapies for cancer. Note: There has been a 49% decrease in cancer mortality among children since 1975 and a 63% increase in the five-year relative survival rate for all cancers. They ask for a simple nickel a day to help support their efforts. Donate via http://www.mskcc.org.
The Mollie Biggane Melanoma Foundation was formed to honor a 20-year-old college student who died of melanoma. This foundation works to increase awareness for melanoma prevention as well as to provide information and services on skin-cancer detection and treatment. For more information, visit http://www.molliesfund.org.
Movember challenges guys across the world to grow a mustache in November to raise funds for prostate cancer research and men’s health issues. 2 million supporters around the world. Web: http://us.movember.com.
The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America works to find a cure or treatment for multiple sclerosis. To contribute, go to http://www.msassociation.org or call 800-532-7667.
Mulu is the world’s largest network of users and publishers who curate and share shoppable content for a cause.When someone buys a posted item, the nonprofit you select gets a percentage of the sale. Check out this ecommerce-charity site here: http://www.mulu.me.
The Muscular Distrophy Association raises funds to treat muscular diseases like muscular dystrophy, ALS, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, and spinal muscular atrophy.More than a million Americans are affected by these progressive, often fatal diseases. To donate, go to http://www.givetomda.org or call 888-435-7632.
The National Audubon Society works to save imperiled birds, fights climate change, and conserves wildlife habitat. For more information, go to http://www.audubon.org or call 800-274-4201.
The National Autism Association responds to the most urgent needs of the autism community, providing real help and hope so that all affected can reach their full potential. For more information, contact http://www.nationalautismassociation.org or call 877-622-2884.
The National Blind Children’s Society focuses on helping blind children. This U.K. society’s goal is to enable blind and partially sighted young people to achieve their educational and recreational goals. It focuses on providing educational advocacy advice, family support, and the correct equipment for each child’s home and school. For more information, check out http://www.nbcs.org.uk.
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children works to educate parents, teachers, and others on how to keep children safe. Each year they promote May 25th as National Missing Children’s Day. Their Take 25 campaign provides free resources and child safety information to enable parents, teachers, and others to take time to talk to children about safety. To organize an event in your area, go to http://www.take25.org to register your event and get free materials.
You can also find more information by going to http://www.missingkids.com.
To report a missing child, call their 24-hour hotline at 800-843-5678 (800-THE-LOST).
National Children’s Alliance has nearly 700 advocacy centers nationwide which help with the process of reporting and recovering from abuse. To get involved, go to http://www.nationalchildrensalliance.org or call 800-239-9950.
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence protects and empowers women and children affected by domestic abuse. For more information, check out http://www.ncadv.org.
The National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence is dedicated to fighting the nation’s #1 health problem – alcoholism, drug addiction and the devastating consequences of alcohol and other drugs on individuals, families and communities. For help or more information, see http://www.ncadd.org or call 800-622-2255.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides abused victims a number to call any time during the day or night. To volunteer or donate, contact http://www.thehotline.org or call 800-799-SAFE.
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society works to find treatments for the prevention and cure of multiple sclerosis (MS). For more information, check out http://www.nationalmssociety.org.
National Museum of the American Indian provides greater understanding of Native American history, art, culture, science, and peoples. Get your tax-deductible membership here: http://www.AmericanIndian.si.edu/give. Or call 800-242-6624.
The National Parks Conservation Association works to protect our national parks in the United States in order to preserve the nation’s natural, historical, and cultural heritage for generations to come. To support their efforts, contribute via http://www.npca.org.
National Wildlife Federation works to protect wildlife and their habitat in all parts of the United States. You can donate here: http://www.nwf.org. Or call 800-822-9919.
You can also subscribe your children to their three magazines for kids: Ranger Rick (ages 7 to 14), Big Backyard (ages 4 to 7), or Wild Animal Baby (ages 2 to 4). Only $15 per magazine per child: http://www.nwf.org/magsforkids.
The National WWII Museum celebrates the men and women who fought in World War II. If you have a loved one who served during that war, you can donate a brick to the building of the new museum. Donate at http://www.ww2brick10.org. You can honor your hero with up to three lines of text for only $200 per brick. For more information, call 877-813-3329, ext. 500 or email bricks@nationalww2museum.org.
Ocean Conservancy works to protect the ocean and its inhabitants. Motto: Start a sea change. For more information, check out http://www.oceanconservancy.org.
The One Acre Fund empowers farmers in Africa by providing them with skills and supplies to grow food and end hunger in their home countries. They have doubled farm income for every acre planted under their program. In 2012, they helped 130,000 families in Kenya, Rwanda, and Burundi. For more information, check out their website at http://www.oneacrefund.org.
Operation Community Restore works to eradicate homelessness and preserve the family. They provide assistance to working families experiencing or facing homelessness. For more information, go to http://www.operationcommunityrestore.org.
Operation Family Fund assists the injured and the families of those who have been injured or killed as part of the global war on terrorism. Supported by private donations only. Web: http://www.operationfamilyfund.org.
Operation Support Our Troops, America offers soldiers comfort and moral support via care packages (featuring items like playing cards, batteries, packaged snacks, and DVDs). Special packages include Baby Basket and Stockings for the Troops. For more information, see http://www.osotamerica.org.
Be an Organ Donor – More than 100 million people in the U.S. have registered as organ, eye, and tissue donors. You, too, can register by going to http://www.organdonor.gov via the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Orphan Acres provides care and rehabilitation for abandoned, neglected, abused and malnourished horses while educating the public in equine rescue, rehabilitation and all aspects of horse ownership and care. For details, go to http://personal.palouse.net/orphanacres.
Our Military Kids support the children of National Guard and Reservist personnel as well as those of wounded service members. They provide grants for extracurricular activities and tutoring. Donate via http://www.ourmilitarykids.org.
Pajama Program provides pajamas and children’s books to children in foster care. Over 800,000 kids nationwide still need PJs. You can donate here: http://www.pajamaprogram.org.
Partners in Health works in 10 poorer countries to provide medical services to the poor. Among other things, their doctors have treated 75,000 cholera patients in Haiti. To find out how you can help them help the poor, check http://www.pih.org.
The Partnership for a Drug-Free America offers helps to anyone with a friend, family member, or associate with a drug problem. If your teen has a drug problem, go to http://www.drugfree.org.
Have you ever considered the Peace Corps? The Peace Corps now offers short-term volunteer assignments overseas for 3 months to a year, especially for skilled professionals with at least 10 years experience. Check out their new short-term assignments at http://www.peacecorps.gov/response.
Pennies for Peace brings hope and educational opportunities to children in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Your children can collect pennies for this effort. For more information, check out http://www.penniesforpeace.org.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals promote humane treatment of animals, vegetarianism, no furs, no leather, and other causes related to animal treatment. Donate via http://www.peta.org.
Rainforest Alliance helps to protect the forests, wildlife, and people of the rain forests. Also works to provide education and healthcare to children of the rain forests. To learn more about small actions that can lead to big changes, go to http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/smallactions.
Reason 2 Smile‘s mission is to financially assist impoverished orphans and at-risk children living in developing countries. We believe that every life is valuable and that every child deserves a reason to smile. We want to give these children a reason by providing them with a safe living environment, the proper nutrition, and a good-quality education. Find out more at http://www.reason2smile.org.
Roadrunner Food Bank of New Mexico helps feed the hungry via donations, volunteers, and advocacy. Call 505-247-2052 or visit http://www.rrfb.org.
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital helps children with serious medical problems. No family ever pays St. Jude for anything. Plus their research discoveries are shared freely with other medical groups and doctors. Donate by calling 800-4ST-JUDE or via http://www.stjude.org.
St. Labre Indian School supports the needy Native American children (Crow and Northern Cheyenne) who live and attend school at St. Labre. This is one of my favorite charities. I love the spirit of these kids. Donate via http://www.stlabre.org or by calling 866-753-5496.
The Salvation Army is famous for it’s bell-ringing Santa Clauses around Christmas time and the holidays (the Red Kettle Campaign). Their activities include homeless services, youth camps, disaster relief, elderly services, veteran services, prisoner rehabilitation, combating human trafficking, etc. They accept gifts of money, airline miles, stocks and bonds, planned giving, car donations, volunteer time, clothing and household goods, and more. Donate via http://www.salvationarmy.org or by calling at 800-725-2769.
Safe Horizon is the nation’s leading victim-assistance association and service provider for people suffering from abuse. Contribute time or donations here: http://www.safehorizon.org. If you need help, call 800-621-HOPE.
Sandy Relief Effort of the American Red Cross – To donate, text REDCROSS to 90999.
Save the Children works to eliminate the problems that face children in the United States and the world – problems such as poverty, hunger, disease, and illiteracy. A donation of $70 provides education for one girl in Afghanistan for one year, paying for her school fees, uniforms, books, and school supplies. You can donate by going to http://www.savethechildren.org.
Scholarship America is the country’s largest provider of college scholarships and financial aid to students. They have awarded $2.9 billion to 1.9 million students over its 54 years. Its Dollars for Scholars program has almost 1,100 local chapters. To donate, go to http://www.scholarshipamerica.org.
The Sea Turtle Conservancy works to study and protect endangered sea turtles in the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean. Its goal is simple: To save sea turtles from extinction. You can Adopt-a-Turtle via their website at http://www.conserveturtles.org.
Shopkick offers a free smartphone app that gives you points every time you enter a participating store, even if you don’t buy anything. You can cash in these points for gifts or, better yet, turn them into a charitable gift. Find out more at http://www.shopkick.com.
Shriners Hospitals for Children offers medical care for children (and their families) after other hospitals have said that there’s nothing they can do. Motto: Love to the rescue. Web: http://www.shirnershospitals.com or call 800-241-4438.
Skin Cancer Foundation promotes protecting your skin in the sun. Web: http://www.skincancer.org.
SmileTrain helps to give children in the developing world a new life by supporting free treatments of poor children with clefts. Their motto: Changing the world one smile at a time. You can donate via http://www.smiletrain.org or by calling 800-932-9541.
Spoons Across America, the source for children’s culinary education, is dedicated to educating children, teachers, and families about the benefits of healthy eating. They work to influence the eating habits of children through hands-on education that celebrates the connection to local farmers and the important tradition of sharing meals around the family table. For more information, go to http://www.spoonsacrossamerica.org.
Stand Up to Cancer is an Entertainment Industry Foundation initiative to support cancer research and end cancer once and for all. Details at http://standup2cancer.org.
Steve J. Wampler Foundation raises money to send kids with physical disabilities on outdoor adventures, from scuba diving to snow skiing. Week-long adventures near Lake Tahoe, California. $25 S’mores fund, $50 bait fund, $100 arts and crafts fund, $850 for one child camping. Web: http://www.wamplerfoundation.org.
Stop It Now! offers a phone and email Helpline dedicated to preventing sexual abuse. For more information, contact http://www.stopitnow.org or call 888-PREVENT.
The Stuttering Foundation helps people who stutter. For more information, contact http://www.stutteringhelp.org or call 800-992-9392.
Sunshine Foundation is the original wish-granting organization. They answer dreams for seriously ill, chronically ill, physically challenged, and abused children. Over 36,000 dreams and counting. You can donate your money or time to grant a wish here: http://www.sunshinefoundation.org.
Tab for a Cause allows you to add their extension to your web browser. Then every time you open a new tab in your browser, a fraction of a penny is donated to a charity of your choice. The drawback? You’ll also see an ad on every new tab you open. For more information, go to http://www.tabforacause.org.
Tahoe Rim Trail Association has build the Tahoe Rim Trail, which has been built by over 10,000 volunteers donating over 200,000 hours of time. Check out the volunteer opportunities here: http://www.tahoerimtrail.org.
The Tahoe Rim Trail Association is grateful for 30 years of support from a diverse group of outdoor enthusiasts who continue to support the organization with thousands of volunteer hours annually. It’s a great way to meet new people, learn new skills and enjoy the outdoors with your friends and family.
The Tariq Khamisa Foundation offers educational and mentoring programs dedicated to ending youth violence in the U.S. and around the world. To support their efforts, go to http://www.tkf.org.
The Tourette Syndrome Association is dedicated to finding a cure for Tourette syndrome, the neurological disorder characterized by involuntary verbal and physical tics. The National Institutes of Health estimates that 200,000 Americans have tourette syndrome. Donate via http://www.tsa-usa.org.
Trees for Troops provides Christmas trees, decorations, and assistance for the holiday season for families who have loved ones serving in the military overseas. Donate here: http://www.treesfortroops.org.
UNICEF, a United Nations group, fights for the survival and development of children around the world: no starving children, no exploited children, no children denied education, and no children deprived of clean water. Donate via the U.S. Fund for UNICEF via http://www.unicefusa.org or by calling 800-4UNICEF (800-486-4233).
$25 can provide pencils and notebooks for 50 children. $50 can vaccinate 117 children again polio for life. $200 can provide 8 cartons of high energy protein biscuits developed for malnourished children. $400 can provide 320 HIV tests to ensure that HIV-positive mothers receive the medicine they need to prevent transmitting the disease to their children.
United Negro College Fund provides college funds for Black Americans in need of help. Motto: A mind is a terrible thing to waste. To donate, call 800-332-8623 or visit http://www.uncf.org.
The United States Olympic Committee invests in activities to help Olympic caliber athletes to reach their fullest potential. To contribute to the success of American Olympic athletes, go to http://support.teamusa.org/give or call 888-222-2313.
United Service Organizations (USO) provides support services to American fighting personal overseas (Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force). Let the GIs know that they are not forgotten by donating via http://www.uso.org.
The Volunteer Family features ideas for ways in which families can give back as a family. Motto: Communities Strengthening Families, Families Strengthening Communities. Check out the website here: http://www.thevolunteerfamily.org.
Volunteer Match is a website that helps people discover how they can lend a hand in their communities. If you are looking to volunteer, check out http://www.volunteermatch.org.
To give you some incentive, a recent study done at the University of Pennsylvania found that people who spent time on a charitable cause felt they had more time to themselves at the end of the day. Squeezing in a good deed makes people feel good.
Water.org helps the 884 million people without access to clean water as well as the 2.9 billion people who need better sanitation. Click on donate your voice at http://www.water.org to give them permission to post on your Facebook page or Twitter profile twice a month to tell your friends of their needs.
Wholesome Wave provides funding and assistance to more than 250 farmer’s markets, thus making locally grown produce more affordable and available to those in underserved communities. $10 provides 10 servings of fruits and vegetables to people in need. Donate via http://www.wholesomewave.org.
WildAid seeks to end the illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products. The global market for such illegal trade (in shark fins, elephant ivory, tiger skins, rhino horns, and more) is estimated to top $10 billion. Their motto: When the buying stops, the killing can too! Donate at http://www.wildaid.org.
WildEarth Guardians protects and restores the wildlife, wild places, and wild rivers in the American West. For more information on their activities, see http://www.wildearthguardians.org.
The Women’s Alliance is a national organization of independent, community based members who provide professional attire, career skills training, and counseling to low income women and their families seeking self-sufficiency. For more information and to volunteer, check out http://www.thewomensalliance.org.
The World Food Programme provides vital nutrition support to millions who are facing hunger. Donate at http://www.wfp.org/donate/emergencies. Or text AID to 27722 to donate $10.00.
World Wildlife Federation – Be the voice for those who have no voice – the world’s wildlife. Join the World Wildlife Federation at http://worldwildlife.org.
The Worldwide Orphans Foundation helps 35,000 kids who can loose up to a month of language and motor skills for every three months in an orphanage. For more information, check out http://www.wwo.org.
The Wounded Warrior Project works to raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of America’s injured service members. They also work to help injured service members to aid each other. Donate via http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org.
Charity WatchDogs
CharityWatch is one of a number of charity watchdog organizations to ensure your donations do what you want them to do: Go to real people, not all fundraising expenses. See: http://www.charitywatch.org.
Here are two other charity watchdog organizations:
Charity Navigator: http://www.charitynavigator.org
Guide Star publishes More Money for More Good guidebook. Download at http://www.guidestar.org/ViewCmsFile.aspx?ContentID=4718
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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