- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 09 2012,
- In Food, Health
Carmen Cisneros: Countdown to a New You
You may want to take before and after photos. If you clean your entire body and change your diet, your results will be drastic. This is your journey, so make it memorable!
10. Start cutting back on, or better yet, eliminating white sugar, white flour, and white pastas (read labels).
9. Increase your water intake.
8. Eat more fresh organic raw fruits and vegetables. Chew all food to a liquid!
7. Stop eating fast, processed, and junk foods. Begin preparing your own meals.
6. Exercise. Get your heart rate up every day and sweat. Walk, run, skip, dance, lift weights, play with your children or dog, etc.
5. Go barefoot. It is a natural anti-inflammatory and blood thinner. From helping with weight loss to connecting us to our genius, the benefits are many.
4. Clean your bowel.
3. Clean your liver.
2. Clean your kidneys.
1. Once you attain your optimal health, maintain it every three months like you do your vehicle – both will run smoother and last longer. Do this through fasting or cleansing.
Remember: Good health starts in the colon. Don’t be a statistic. Regaining your best health and naturally good looks is simple, but it starts with you! By all means, sleep – your face will thank you for it.
Excerpted from Ageless Aging: 10 Practical Steps to Feel Great, Lose Weight, and Look 10 Years Younger by Carmen D Cisneros
Charity Showcase
Operation Support Our Troops, America offers soldiers comfort and moral support via care packages (featuring items like playing cards, batteries, packaged snacks, and DVDs). Special packages include Baby Basket and Stockings for the Troops. For more information, see http://www.osotamerica.org.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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