- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 09 2012,
- In Health
Madeleine Edgar’s Marvellous Movement Feldenkrais Rules
Madeleine Edgar’s Marvellous Movement Feldenkrais Rules
1. Change your brain, change your body.
2. Learn about yourself from the inside out.
3. Move easily no matter what you do.
4. Release your pain-producing patterns of movement.
5. Sit on the floor every day.
6. Get out of your chair using your skeleton.
7. Clean your teeth with your non-dominant hand.
8. Reverse your car without straining your neck.
Marvellous Movement: ReMIND Your Body Using the Feldenkrais Method Daily by Madeleine Edgar
Charity Showcase
The United States Olympic Committee invests in activities to help Olympic caliber athletes to reach their fullest potential. To contribute to the success of American Olympic athletes, go to http://support.teamusa.org/give or call 888-222-2313.
Your donations help the USOC to provide:
- Training resources that focus on high performance and sports science
- World-class training facilities
- Competitive excellence on and off the fields of play
- Promotion of healthy living among Americans young and old
- The spreading Olympic ideals worldwide
by johnkremer
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