- Written by johnkremer
- On Oct 06 2013,
- In Health
10 Habits That Are Hurting Your Back
If you are suffering from lower back pain, chances are you have some habits that aren’t kind to your spine. For example, you might think that your back is safe if you spend your days sitting at a desk instead of lifting heavy objects, but sitting actually puts 40% more pressure on your spine than standing.
You can learn from these 10 habits that are hurting your back (infographic from The Center for Spinal Disorders) . . .
1. Sitting too long.
2. Having your car seat in a bad position.
3. Skipping exercise.
4. Overloading your purse or briefcase.
5. Eating an unhealthy diet.
6. Sleeping on an old mattress.
7. Wearing high heels.
8. Letting stress build up.
9. Watching too much TV.
10. Ignoring back pain.
Charity Showcase
Grand Canyon Trust needs your time, not your money. Volunteers spend their days on the Colorado Plateau documenting beaver and other animal activity, reseeding native grasses, and restoring deer habitat. Find out how you can volunteer at http://www.gcvolunteers.org.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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