- Written by johnkremer
- On Oct 30 2012,
- In Business, Internet Marketing
Infographic: Online Marketing is Failing with Consumers
Here are just a few of the insights from Adobe’s State of Online Advertising report:
Magazine readers are twice as likely to read an ad and pay attention to it than TV viewers to enjoy a commercial.
68% of consumers don’t like online advertising.
54% say that banner ads don’t work (probably more advertisers would say the same thing).
53% of Facebook users would like a dislike button.
Advertisers and marketers are considered less valuable than teachers, scientists, bankers, and even politicians – but at least as valuable as dancers and actors.
53% of consumers agree that most marketing is a bunch of BS.
Charity Showcase
Sandy Relief Effort of the American Red Cross – To donate, text REDCROSS to 90999.
by johnkremer
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