- Written by johnkremer
- On Nov 28 2012,
- In Business, Internet Marketing
Infographic: 10 Ways to Convert More Customers into Buyers
Understanding psychology can increase your conversions if you interact with your customers in a more intelligent way. Check out the 10 techniques in this infographic to learn how to apply some science to your marketing.
1. Help customers break through action paralysis by setting minimums such as free trials or guarantees.
2. Embrace the power of labels by providing digital badges or special status.
3. Understand the 3 types of buyers: tightwads, spendthrifts, and average spenders. Encourage the fencesitters (tightwads) by offering lower monthly payments rather than annual payments.
4. Highlight strengths by admitting shortcomings.
5. Use urgency the smart way by sending follow-up information containing specific instructions on how to deal with urgent information. Or create urgency via scarcity.
6. Make their brain light up by offering instant gratification via guaranteed delivery or same-day shipping.
7. Make an enemy. People will become more loyal if you pit your company against another in a fun way.
8. Stand for something by giving a portion of sales to a charitable cause.
9. Be a Devil’s advocate by writing a white paper addressing their concerns.
10. Keep them on their toes by surprising your customers with unexpected treats, bonuses, and small wows.
Charity Showcase
The American Cancer Society works to find cures and treatments for cancer patients of all kinds. They also work to help people quit smoking, a leading cause of cancer. To donate, visit http://www.cancer.org or call 800-227-2345.
by johnkremer
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