- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 12 2012,
- In Business, Fun Facts, Internet Marketing
Infographic: The Spirit of Stats & Facts
Here are a few stats and facts I learned while reading the November issue of Spirit magazine.
28% of telecommuters have cooked dinner while working at home.
32% of men are frustrated by crafting a text message.
43% of telecommuters have watched TV while working at home.
Tomatoes, with 31,760 genes, have 6,760 more genes than humans.
35% of telecommuters have completed household chores while working at home.
In 2011, 24.4% of Black Friday shoppers lined up the night before (or shopped the late night sales of Thanksgiving).
25% of telecommuters didn’t bother to get out of their pajamas while working at home.
Black Friday shoppers in 2011 spent almost $400 each.
7% of telecommuters have taken care of business while stark naked.
Sources: Spirit Magazine, Wakefield Research, Citrix, TSB Magazine, Cornel University, National Retail Federation, BIGinsight
Check out Spirit Magazine: http://magagenie.com/spirit-magazine
Charity Showcase
The Tariq Khamisa Foundation offers educational and mentoring programs dedicated to ending youth violence in the U.S. and around the world. To support their efforts, go to http://www.tkf.org.
by johnkremer
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