- Written by johnkremer
- On Mar 31 2013,
- In Business, Internet Marketing
Infographic: 10 Strategic Ways to Optimize Your Pinterest Page
Here are 10 ways to optimize your Pinterest page to build your business, brand, and sales.
1. Add a personal photo to your profile.
2. Complete the About section. Use the 200 characters of the About section to tell people who you are and what you do. Feature your keywords.
3. Add your location, which will become valuable for local search. Then, if you sell locally, add a board featuring your city landmarks, beautiful spots, local businesses, etc.
4. Verify your website. Website verification allows your main URL to be featured on your Pinterest profile.
5. Be sociable. Follow other Pinterest users. Repin, like, and comment on other people’s pins.
6. Organize your boards. Create 20 to 30 boards that showcase your strengths and personality. Give strong titles to your boards. Feature your keywords.
7. Place your top boards at the top. The first two rows of boards are the ones most people see. Be sure to feature strong graphic pins for your board covers.
8. Feature your outside interests via some of your boards: places you like, people you admire, great quotations, cute animals, funny sayings, etc.
9. Repin and curate. Use your repins to curate other people’s content so your boards become destinations for avid topic followers.
10. Vary your images. Use photos, cartoons, infographics, charts, videos, Slideshare presentations, tutorial images, graphic quotes, etc.
Bonus: Use Pinterest’s secret boards to populate new boards before launching them to the public. You are allowed up to three secret boards.
Do you want to know more on how to use Pinterest to drive traffic to any page on the Internet? To drive traffic that is viral, targeted, and ready to buy?
To learn how to use Pinterest more effectively to market your books, products, and services, check out this free webinar: http://realfastinfoproduct.com/johnkwebbie.
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Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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