- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 16 2012,
- In Business, Internet Marketing
Infographic: Why People Like Brands on Facebook
Alas, another infographic bites the dust.
Liking is one of the primary ways people let others know their tastes and preferences online. Lately there’s been a lot of debate about the value of a Facebook Like. With competing opinions on the value of a Like, Lab42 decided to investigate Likes further. They surveyed 1,000 social media users to discover how liking a brand influences the consumer experience. This infographic reveals the results of their survey.
87% of people have like a brand on Facebook.
Those who have liked a brand say that Facebook is a good place to interact with brands and companies.
35% of Likers feel brands listen to them more on Facebook.
69% of Facebook users have Liked a brand simply because a friend did.
The biggest motivators to get a person to Like a brand on Facebook:
34% responded to promotions and discounts.
21% responded to free giveaways.
14% responded because they were already loyal customers.
11% responded because they trusted the brand.
20% had other reasons for Liking a brand.
The Top three ways that consumers interact with brands on Facebook: Print off coupons. Like or comment on a brand’s page. Learn about new products.
77% of people have saved money as a result of Liking a brand on Facebook.
17% of Likers have save $100 or more by Liking brands on Facebook.
74% of Likers have unliked a brand because the brand posted too frequently, or the user stopped liking the brand, or the user had a bad customer experience.
The top three products people are embarrassed to Like: adult novelty items, diet or weight loss products, and health and wellness brands.
The top 4 reasons people don’t Like brands on Facebook:
47% say that brands clutter their newsfeed.
36% say they don’t want to be contacted by brands.
30% are concerned about their privacy.
27% only post things relevant to their lives.
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by johnkremer
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