- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 09 2012,
- In Health
Daniel Saynuk: Guide Dog Rules
Here are a few insights on guide dogs and their handlers (the blind and visually impaired):
Guide dogs help the blind and visually impaired to be independent.
The blind can avoid obstacles such as street signs and people through the help of their guide dogs.
Handlers use verbal commands and hand gestures to guide their dogs.
Guide dogs should not be touched by anyone but their handlers while the animals are working.
To keep up the training of their guide dogs, handlers must use the dogs routinely.
Guide Doggie: Learn How Guide Dogs Help the Blind in This Coloring Book by Daniel Saynuk
Charity Showcase
The Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind has provided free guide dogs to the blind since 1946. They train guide dogs and teach their new owners how to work with the dogs. Help the visually impaired by donating to http://www.guidedog.org.
by johnkremer
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