- Written by johnkremer
- On Sep 07 2013,
- In Books and Words, Fun Facts
The Grammar Nazi and Other Grammar Jokes
Here are some jokes and wordplay that will tickle the funny bones of people who love grammar and punctuation.
Source: Jokes for Those Who Love Grammar and Punctuation – http://bookmarketingbestsellers.com/jokes-for-those-who-love-grammar-and-punctuation
Charity Showcase
The American Indian Relief Council helps Native American people of the northern Great Plains to improve the quality of their lives by providing opportunities for them to bring about positive changes in their communities. Donate online via http://www.aircdonation.org.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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“When you decide that you’re ready to start dealing with radio stations directly, get Alex Carroll’s program. His top radio show database, tapes of dealing with producers, and examples of actual talk shows will help you to become a radio talk show star.” — John Kremer
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