- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 18 2012,
- In Internet Marketing
Infographic: The Growing Impact of Social Media and TV
Here are a few insights from this infographic on the growing impact of social media on watching TV, social networking, and using the Internet:
How much time are visitors spending on social networking sites per month? Here’s the answer:
Facebook – 6.75 hours
Pinterest – 1.5 hours
Tumblr – 1.5 hours
Twitter – 21 minutes
LinkedIn – 17 minutes
Google+ – 3 minutes
Here’s how Americans spend their time online and offline:
6.9 hours per month on social networking
4.8 hours per month on email, mail, and phone
21 hours per month socializing in person
15.3 hours per month taking care of household members
59.4 hours per month watching TV offline
23.1 hours per month watching TV online
TV and Internet Surfing
65% of U.S. tablet owners surf the web while watching TV.
60% of women visit a social network while watching TV.
29% use Facebook while watching TV.
61% use the Internet while watching TV.
Time Spent on Social Media
Social media accounts for 18% of time spend online.
56% of Americans have a social network profile.
22% of Americans use social media several times a day.
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The National Parks Conservation Association works to protect our national parks in the United States in order to preserve the nation’s natural, historical, and cultural heritage for generations to come. To support their efforts, contribute via http://www.npca.org.
by johnkremer
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