- Written by johnkremer
- On Apr 24 2013,
- In Fun Facts, Internet Marketing, Kids
Viral Videographic: David After the Dentist
In May 2008, a father took a video of his 7-year-old son David after having a tooth removed at the dentist. He released this viral video in January 2009. The video has had 118,820,018 views in a little over 4 years. And 136,592,704 million views in nine years.
As his father noted, This was taken in the parking lot of the dentist office. He was so out of it. The staff was even laughing. This lasted for a few hours and he was fine. He even laughed at the video that night. He is very smart and always has something interesting to say about many different issues. His philosophical reaction to the medication didn’t really surprise us.
Charity Showcase
Reason 2 Smile‘s mission is to financially assist impoverished orphans and at-risk children living in developing countries. We believe that every life is valuable and that every child deserves a reason to smile. We want to give these children a reason by providing them with a safe living environment, the proper nutrition, and a good-quality education. Find out more at http://www.reason2smile.org.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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