- Written by johnkremer
- On Sep 30 2012,
- In Internet Marketing
Social Media Infographic: Why Use Pinterest?
Pinterest offers a huge marketing opportunity for businesses. When one of their Pinterest pins went viral, a company doubled their revenue on one ecommerce website.
This Pinterest Infographic features who uses Pinterest, what they pin, and how Pinterest compares to other social networks.
Do you want to know more on how to use Pinterest to drive traffic to any page on the Internet? To drive traffic that is viral, targeted, and ready to buy?
To learn how to use Pinterest more effectively to market your books, products, and services, check out this free webinar: http://realfastinfoproduct.com/johnkwebbie.
Charity Showcase
The Archaeological Conservancy is dedicated to acquiring prehistoric and historic archaeological sites in the United States and then preserving them for posterity. Since 1980, they have acquired more than 400 sites in 41 states. To donate, go to http://www.americanarchaeology.com.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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“When you decide that you’re ready to start dealing with radio stations directly, get Alex Carroll’s program. His top radio show database, tapes of dealing with producers, and examples of actual talk shows will help you to become a radio talk show star.” — John Kremer
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