- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 13 2012,
- In Books and Words, Business, Inspirational
Monica Strobel: How to Give Meaningful Compliments
5 Tips for Giving the Most Meaningful Compliments
Put on your compliment glasses. Focus in on what’s working, the sweet spots not the weak spots, to see the positives to comment on.
Seed your compliments with truth. Always deliver your praise in an authentic way. Avoid empty flattery.
Tune your praise to your audience. Customize your recognition to the person, instead of using common platitudes.
Spread positive gossip. Compliment behind someone’s back. When it gets back to them, it’s doubly uplifting.
Say it now, not later. Don’t wait too long to compliment. Say it immediately upon the positive happening. And give praise along the way through a project, not just at the end.
From The Compliment Quotient: Boost Your Spirits, Spark Your Relationships and Uplift the World by Monica Strobel
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