- Written by johnkremer
- On May 02 2013,
- In Arts & Crafts, Books and Words
Maria Gabriela Brito on Her Interior Design Inspirations
The following interior design inspirations are excerpted from Maria Gabriela Brito’s new book, Out There: Design, Art, Travel, Shopping:
I have dared to be different and be inspired by things everywhere.
Besides contemporary art, I look for visual stimulation and emotional connection from people, movies, places, and fashion.
Sometimes my clients are my inspiration. Everything flows from their colorful lives.
Strong, iconic women who have left their creative marks on the world constantly inspire my life and my work.
Fashion has always been a source of inspiration for me.
Fabrics, proportions, materials, accessories, patterns, and color combinations have all had a definite impact on the way I put together my designs.
Source: Out There: Design, Art, Travel, Shopping by Maria Gabriela Brito
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Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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