- Written by johnkremer
- On May 02 2013,
- In Business, Fun Facts
Infographic: People Who Changed the World Without Formal Education
This infographic showcases a few people (Paul Allen, Michael Dell, Thomas Edison, Larry Ellison, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, the Wright Brothers, Mark Zuckerberg) who have changed the world even though they had not completed high school and/or college.
Here is a videographic showcasing the same information in a lively video:
For more information on high school dropouts and college dropouts, see the College Dropouts Hall of Fame.
Charity Showcase
Save the Children works to eliminate the problems that face children in the United States and the world – problems such as poverty, hunger, disease, and illiteracy. A donation of $70 provides education for one girl in Afghanistan for one year, paying for her school fees, uniforms, books, and school supplies. You can donate by going to http://www.savethechildren.org.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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