- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 13 2012,
- In Arts & Crafts
Even Tattoos Can Be Infographics
Even tattoos can be infographics. Here is a full-body infographic tattoo about tattoos and tattooing.
45 million Americans have tattoos.
22% have one tattoo.
36% have two to three tattoos.
11% have four tattoos.
The top three reasons for regretting getting a tattoo:
1. A person’s name is in the tattoo.
2. I don’t like the way it looks.
3. It was stupid.
Women are more likely to seek tattoo removal than men.
The most popular American tattoos are butterflies, tribal images, stars, and flowers.
More than 100 types of ink are used in tattoos today.
Charity Showcase
Wild Earth Guardians protects and restores the wildlife, wild places, and wild rivers in the American West. For more information on their activities, see http://www.wildearthguardians.org.
by johnkremer
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