- Written by johnkremer
- On Mar 16 2013,
- In Books and Words
Blake Bailey Bookographic: 5 Writing Tips
1. Write about things that really interest you. Pick a subject that bores you and you’ll write a boring book.
2. Be quiet and listen. Let the person talk.
3. Action is character. Let us see and hear how your characters behave.
4. Be prepared. Do your research. Find your structure. Then write.
5. If possible, be funny.
Blake Bailey is the author of Farther & Wilder: The Lost Weekends and Literary Dreams of Charles Jackson
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Pajama Program provides pajamas and children’s books to children in foster care. Over 800,000 kids nationwide still need PJs. You can donate here: http://www.pajamaprogram.org.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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