- Written by johnkremer
- On Mar 22 2013,
- In Food, Health
Be Sassy Water: A Recipe for Health and Fitness
Here is a healthy substitute for the sodas, diet drinks, coffee, and teas you have been drinking.
8 cups water
1 tsp ginger, freshly grated
1 medium cucumber, peeled & sliced thin
1 medium lemon, sliced thin
12 mint leaves
Mix all ingredients together in a large pitcher. Let the flavors blend overnight in your refrigerator. The next morning, strain the water to eliminate the bulky stuff.
Drink this Be Sassy drink throughout the day. You should finish the pitcher by the end of the day.
If you work outside the home, bring your water along in a good container.
Charity Showcase
UNICEF, a United Nations group, fights for the survival and development of children around the world: no starving children, no exploited children, no children denied education, and no children deprived of clean water. Donate via the U.S. Fund for UNICEF via http://www.unicefusa.org or by calling 800-4UNICEF (800-486-4233).
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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