- Written by johnkremer
- On Jun 06 2013,
- In Food, Health
The 7-Day Plan to Lose 10 Pounds
This 7-Day Plan allows most people to lose 10 pounds or more in just 7 days. Note: Follow this diet at your own risk (no medical advice being offered here).
Day One: Eat only fruit.
Day Two: Eat only veggies.
Day 3: Eat fruit and veggies.
Day 4: Eat bananas and yogurt.
Day 5: Eat chicken, turkey, and tomatoes.
Day 6: Eat chicken, turkey, and veggies.
Day 7: Eat miracle soup.
That’s it. Try it out, but stop if you start feeling funny.
See also Dr. Mehmet Oz’s 25 Best Health Tips and Fitness Matters: 30 Flat Tummy Tips and Bob Harper: The Skinny Rules.
Charity Showcase
Action Against Hunger helps to feed malnourished children around the world. They also help communities to grow their own food. They deliver aid to more than 7 million people in over 40 countries every year. Donate via http://www.actionagainsthunger.org.
Action for Healthy Kids partners with schools to promote healthy eating and daily exercise. For more information, webinars, and trainings, see: http://www.actionforhealthykids.org.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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