- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 20 2012,
- In Fun Facts
The 10 Hillbilly Commandments
If you are ever stuck for knowing the difference ‘tween right and wrong, check out these 10 Hillbilly Commandments:
1. Ain’t but one God.
2. Honor yer Ma and Pa.
3. No tellin’ tales or gossipin’.
4. Git yer hide ta Sunday meetin’.
5. Ain’t nuttin’ come before the Lord.
6. No foolin’ with another feller’s gal.
7. No killin’ sept fer critters.
8. Quit yer foul mouthin’.
9. No swipin’ yer kin folks’ stuff.
10. Don’t be hankerin’ fer it neither.
Charity Showcase
The National Blind Children’s Society focuses on helping blind children. This U.K. society’s goal is to enable blind and partially sighted young people to achieve their educational and recreational goals. It focuses on providing educational advocacy advice, family support, and the correct equipment for each child’s home and school. For more information, check out http://www.nbcs.org.uk.
by johnkremer
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