- Written by johnkremer
- On Feb 26 2014,
- In Health
Jean Hausmann on Loving Your Body
Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. — Jean Hausmann
Sometimes a new thought or a new idea is all you need to make a lasting change. You can wake up one day and decide to make your entire life change.
Small changes in habits can lead to lasting, permanent change. Dedicate this month to loving your own body: think self care and the way you speak to yourself. Taking of your body starts from the inside out! — Jean Hausmann
Embrace and love your body. It is the most amazing thing you’ll ever own! — Jean Hausmann
Love your body and it will love you back! There is a direct correlation between hating your body and retaining weight. If you’ve built an adversarial relationship with your body through negative thoughts and comments, then your body is less likely to cooperate with your attempts to lose weight or get healthy. It rebels.
Love yourself for the power within. Stop hating your body and start appreciating if for the miracle it is. — Jean Hausmann
Charity Showcase
The American Heart Association works to teach people how to identify heart attacks and strokes as well as funds research and treatment for heart disease. Donate via http://www.americanheart.org, or by calling 800-242-8721.
Note: February is American Heart Month.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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