- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 27 2012,
- In Fun Facts
Infographic: How the Various James Bonds Tackle Women, Booze, and Killing
Known for martinis, Bond girls, apocalyptic antagonists, and heavy innuendo, James Bond has worked his way through women, drinks, and villains alike.
New info compiled by The Economist shows that of the six Bonds, Pierce Brosnan was the most bloodthirsty, killing an average of 19 bad guys per film. George Lazenby was the Bond ladies loved, while Daniel Craig (the current Bond) is notably less successful with the ladies. Maybe that’s because he drinks the most martinis.
But that could change. In the new Bond film, Skyfall, Heineken has paid to ensure the hero only drinks beer. That might give Craig more opportunities with the ladies.
The other Bonds (Sean Connery, Roger Moore, and Timothy Dalton) did not dominate as compare to the above Bonds when it came to women, martinis, or killing.
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Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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