- Written by johnkremer
- On Apr 12 2013,
- In Books and Words, Fun Facts
Infographic: Funny eCards to Brighten Your Day
Here is an infographic of a Slideshare presentation (http://infographicaday.com/slideshare-funny-ecards-to-brighten-your-day) I created to share some funny ecards to brighten your day.
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I hate when I have to drive someone around. They always steal my purse’s seat.
Men: If you ever want to know what a woman’s mind feels like, imagine a browser with 2,857 tabs open. All. The. Time.
I’m not avoiding housework. In fact, I run into it all the time. We’re just not speaking to each other right now.
Children who can read are 97.8% more likely to have correctly spelled tattoos when they grow up.
Adding “and shit” at the end of a sentence can make anything sound thug. Example: “I was playing with my bubbles and shit.”
I desperately want to go camping this summer. Preferably in a hotel. With a pool. And a spa.
Grammar is important.For instance, commas save lives. Let’s eat grandpa. Let’s eat, grandpa.
I don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account, so I just go around announcing out loud what I’m doing at random times. I’ve got 3 followers so far, but I think 2 are cops.
Dear shaving commercials, stop shaving hairless legs. If you want to impress us, please shave a bear.
If I ever go missing, I want my picture on beer cans rather than milk cartons. That way, at least my friends will know I’m missing.
I hate it when you open the fridge and can’t find what you’re looking for. Like happiness. And perfect abs.
Sometimes, my greatest accomplishment is just keeping my mouth shut.
Charity Showcase
Grand Canyon Trust needs your time, not your money. Volunteers spend their days on the Colorado Plateau documenting beaver and other animal activity, reseeding native grasses, and restoring deer habitat. Find out how you can volunteer at http://www.gcvolunteers.org.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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“When you decide that you’re ready to start dealing with radio stations directly, get Alex Carroll’s program. His top radio show database, tapes of dealing with producers, and examples of actual talk shows will help you to become a radio talk show star.” — John Kremer
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