- Written by johnkremer
- On Jan 30 2013,
- In Business
8 Ways to Use Super Bowl Buzz to Market Your Product or Service
NFL’s Super Bowl is coming soon, and you can take advantage of the big game buzz without spending $3.7 million on a 30-second commercial.
1. Tell a story to tie your business into the super buzz. – Kiva, which helps people loan funds to entrepreneurs around the world, sent an email equating the record-breaking NFL season to its own success.
2. Create a Super Bowl ad on a budget – and then promote it. – Post the ad on YouTube, your website, and your social networks.
3. Hold an anti-Super Bowl event for the 200 million non-watchers. – Restaurants and bars could promise no TVs. Other stores could offer a sale during the game.
4. Get people to come in after the game via a special promotion. – A Maryland jeweler is offering full refunds to customers who make a purchase during the week before the Super Bowl if the hometown Ravens shut out the 49ers. Small odds of that.
5. Crash your customers’ game-watching parties. – Offer branded cups, napkins, or related items for their parties.
6. Take a stand. – A New York bar banned the sale of Boston-based Sam Adams beer when the Giants played the New England Patriots—and earned lots of pre-game publicity.
7. Send out email related to the big game. – Marketo emailed a simple poll asking whether the Salesforce ad was worth the cost. They got a 13.5% open rate.
8. Don’t use the trademark Super Bowl in your promotions. – Use the term Big Game or something like Chipotle did with The Super Big Internationally Televised Professional Bowl Game.
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Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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