- Written by johnkremer
- On Jan 01 2013,
- In Health, Sports
The Intelligent Optimist: 4 Ways to Get Green Exercise
Here are four ways to get green exercise via Elleke Bal in a recent issue of The Intelligent Optimist magazine. Get more outdoor exercise in the fresh air.
1. Walk in the woods. Walk on the beach. Walk in a nice spot along the water. Substitute these walks for visits to the gym.
2. Exercise sessions are being organized outdoors: Tai Chi, yoga, running, and more. To find a session near you, check out the American Council on Exercise at http://www.acefitness.org.
3. Head for a park and walk with an easy, relaxing pace.
4. Go geocaching where you track hidden treasures using your smartphone’s GPS. You can find geocaching challenges via http://www.geocaching.com.
Charity Showcase
Sunshine Foundation is the original wish-granting organization. They answer dreams for seriously ill, chronically ill, physically challenged, and abused children. Over 36,000 dreams and counting. You can donate your money or time to grant a wish here: http://www.sunshinefoundation.org.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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