- Written by johnkremer
- On Nov 14 2012,
- In Business, Internet Marketing
Infographic: SEO Tips from the SEO Experts
SEO (search engine optimization) is critical to online success. Businesses need to understand how to properly optimize their online presence for search.
Here are a few key SEO tips from experts:
SEO is not about optimizing for search. It’s about optimizing for humans. – Dharmesh Shah, Hubspot
It’s not enough to rank on the first page. Marketers need to earn their clicks. – Rand Fishkin, SEOmoz
Modern link building focuses on high-quality original content that provides value. – Stephanie Chang, Distilled
Think about the value you want to provide, and which keywords match that value. – Greg Shuey, SEO.com
Download HubSpot’s lated SEO guide, Learning SEO from the Experts, at http://offers.hubspot.com/learning-seo-from-the-experts.
by johnkremer
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