- Written by johnkremer
- On Jun 30 2013,
- In Food, Health
Richard Schulze: 20 Powerful Steps to a Healthier You
Above is a bookographic featuring Dr. Schulze’s 20 Powerful Steps to a Healthier Life.
Dr. Richard Schulze used these 20 steps to change his health and to even save his life. These steps, of course, are useless if you don’t put them into practice.
1. Drink pure water (1 quart per day).
2. Drink fresh juice (1 quart per day).
3. Become a vegan.
4. Eat more raw foods.
5. Do an intestinal detoxification program.
6. Do a 5-day cleanse.
7. Walk and breathe more.
8. Move more and sweat (for 1 hour per day).
9. Enjoy hydrotherapy.
10. Wear natural fibers.
11. Use natural soaps, toothpaste, lotions, etc.
12. No TV (especially the news).
13. Give away 1/3 of what you own.
14. Love yourself and your life.
15. Express yourself.
16. Help someone every day.
17. Learn jokes. Laugh.
18. Have more sex.
19. Meditate and pray. Follow your spirit.
20. Love and love some more.
Charity Showcase
Action for Healthy Kids partners with schools to promote healthy eating and daily exercise. For more information, webinars, and trainings, see: http://www.actionforhealthykids.org.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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