- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 31 2012,
- In Fun Facts
Revenge TV: The Trial of David Clark
David Clarke, the father of Emily Thorne in the ABC-TV series Revenge, was framed for the terrorist bombing of Flight 197. The framers? His boss, Conrad Grayson, and his lover, Victoria Grayson.
Check out this ABC timeline to follow David Clark’s arest, trial, verdict, imprisonment, and murder in prison.
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UNICEF, a United Nations group, fights for the survival and development of children around the world: no starving children, no exploited children, no children denied education, and no children deprived of clean water. Donate via the U.S. Fund for UNICEF via http://www.unicefusa.org or by calling 800-4UNICEF (800-486-4233).
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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