- Written by johnkremer
- On Oct 13 2012,
- In Food
Infographic: Pumpkins Are Packed with Nutrition
Pumpkins are packed with nutrition. They contain lutein for eye health, vitamins and minerals to prevent cellular damage, B vitamins, and protein. They help lower cholesterol and support a healthy prostrate, bladder, and kidneys.
Charity Showcase
Feeding America is the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity supplying food to 37 million Americans every year via 200 member food banks. To donate, go to http://www.feedingamerica.org or call 800-910-5524.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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“When you decide that you’re ready to start dealing with radio stations directly, get Alex Carroll’s program. His top radio show database, tapes of dealing with producers, and examples of actual talk shows will help you to become a radio talk show star.” — John Kremer
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