- Written by johnkremer
- On Jan 05 2014,
- In Books and Words, Business, Inspirational
Build the Rainbow of Your Success Bookographic
We design our success in the (invisible) spiritual world. We build it in the physical world.
All big rivers began with a trickle.
Your life is a book. You’re the author. Depending on where you live, you have an average of between seventy to ninety years to write your book.
In a jungle, not only the lions eat!
Ultimately, we’ll be remembered for two things: The problems we helped solve and the problems we helped create. We have a choice.
Truth is always simple.
Never discourage a young person with a dream. Instead, help and encourage him or her.
If there is no vision of the future, there is no power in the present.
When you think you have exhausted all possibilities, you haven’t. God gives us an all-powerful mind. Use it. Never give up.
Source: Build the Rainbow of Your Success: Work Smarter, Not Harder with Applied Wisdom from the East and West by Dr. Robert C. K. Lee
Website: http://www.dragonwisdompress.com
Charity Showcase
Heifer International supplies cows and milk to needy families around the world. Their work has expanded to providing other animals as well: goats, geese and guinea pigs to bees, silkworms and water buffalo. Their goal is to end world hunger and poverty. Web: http://www.heifer.org/give.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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