- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 02 2012,
- In Health
Infographic: 10 Benefits of Meditation
Here are 10 primary benefits of meditation:
Meditation reduces pain.
Meditation enhances the body’s immune system.
Meditation reduces feelings of depression, anxiety, anger, and confusion.
Meditation increases blood flow.
Meditation slows down the heart rate.
Meditation provides a sense of calm, peace, and balance.
Meditation helps reverse heart disease.
Meditation helps control overactive thoughts.
Meditation increases energy.
Meditation reduces stress.
Charity Showcase
City Harvest collects almost 115,000 pounds of surplus food every day from restaurants, grocers, wholesalers, and farmers to distribute to 600 community food programs in New York City. Find out more about this great program at http://www.cityharvest.org.
by johnkremer
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