- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 17 2012,
- In Books and Words
LinDee Rochelle’s 7 Tenets of Legacy Writing
1. Weave your memoir or biography around legendary events.
2. Dull life? Write about others who excite you.
3. Don’t write about you. Write about history. Put you in it.
4. Interview and include other people’s stories (yes, even strangers).
5. Research little-known, interesting facts of the era.
6. Pictures, pictures, pictures!
7. Write with truth, insight, and compassion.
From: Blast from Your Past! Rock & Roll Radio DJs: the First Five Years 1954-1959 by LinDee Rochelle. Web: http://www.blastfromyourpast.net/bfypbooks-more.html.
Charity Showcase
The mission of AdoptUSKids, a service of U.S. Children’s Bureau, is two-fold: 1. To raise public awareness about the need for foster and adoptive families for children in the public child welfare system and 2. To assist U.S. states, territories, and tribes to recruit and retain foster and adoptive families and connect them with children. For more information, go to http://www.adoptuskids.org or call 800-200-4005.
by johnkremer
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