- Written by johnkremer
- On Feb 04 2013,
- In Business, Fun Facts, Inspirational, Social Issues, Sports
Jeep Super Bowl Commercial: America Will Be Whole Again
Here is another Super Bowl commercial from the 2013 game. Jeep and USO offers a really neat video tribute to our military heroes.
Here is the text of this Super Bowl commercial:
We wait. We hope. We pray. Until you’re home again. – Oprah Winfrey
There will be a seat left open, a light left on, a favorite dinner waiting, a warm bed made.
There will be walks to take, swings to push, and baths to give.
On your block, at the school, in your church, because in your home in our hearts, you’ve been lived.
You’ve been needed. You’ve been cried for, prayed for.
You’ve been the reason we push on.
Half the battle was just knowing that this is half the battle.
Because when you’re home, we are more than a family. We are a nation that is whole again.
To learn more, visit http://www.jeep.com/OSR
Charity Showcase
United Service Organizations (USO) provides support services to American fighting personal overseas (Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force). Let the GIs know that they are not forgotten by donating via http://www.uso.org.
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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