- Written by johnkremer
- On Dec 24 2012,
- In Fun Facts
A Christmas Field Guide Via Bird and Moon
Before you head out into the challenge of holiday family get-togethers, get to know some of the plants and animals you might meet during your holiday travels.
Mistletoe, a highly poisonous semi-parasite (aka poop twig).
Reindeer, aka caribou, not really designed to fly.
Poinsettia, which gets its great looks from a bacterial infection.
Holly, with only the female plants bearing red fruit.
Turtle doves, which are awkward, noisy, and full of love (just like Christmas).
Partridge in a pear tree. If you find one, help it get down out of the tree.
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UNICEF, a United Nations group, fights for the survival and development of children around the world: no starving children, no exploited children, no children denied education, and no children deprived of clean water. Donate via the U.S. Fund for UNICEF via http://www.unicefusa.org or by calling 800-4UNICEF (800-486-4233).
Curator: John Kremer
by johnkremer
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